Installing CoolTerm on macOS Sierra

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Installing CoolTerm on macOS Sierra

Post by roger »

Starting with macOS 10.12, Apple introduced app translocation to quarantine downloaded applications to an unspecified read-only location as a security measure. Such applications will no longer be able to find data located at a path relative to the application itself. Furthermore, quarantined applications won't be able to write any data to its local folder.

App translocation of CoolTerm to a quarantined location will cause CoolTerm to not be able to find files such as baudrates.ini and ports.ini which it expects to find in its application folder. It will also prevent CoolTerm from saving connection settings a default.

To avoid quarantining of CoolTerm, the application file needs to be manually moved (via dragging in the Finder) to the location from where it is to be executed. For CoolTerm it is recommended to drag the CoolTerm app out of its folder and drop it in some other location and then drag it back to its original location. This only needs to be done once, after downloading and unzipping the CoolTerm archive. This will prevent the app translocation from occurring and CoolTerm will have no problem finding its ini files and writing default settings.
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