Interested in testing a Cocoa version of CoolTerm?

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Interested in testing a Cocoa version of CoolTerm?

Post by roger »

Starting with version 1.5, CoolTerm will be compiled using the latest Xojo 2013 framework rather than REALStudio 2011, which means that universal builds for the Mac will no longer be supported, and the only version for Mac that will be available will the Intel version. On the other hand, the Cocoa framework offered by Xojo has become very mature, and I'm planning on compiling CoolTerm for Cocoa rather than Carbon. However, a sufficient amount of testing will have to be completed to ensure that everything works as it should.

With a few tweaks to the code, I should be able to compile a Cocoa build of the current CoolTerm release (i.e. v1.4.3). If your a Mac user and are interested in testing the Cocoa build, please drop me a PM.
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