CoolTerm 2.3.0 released

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CoolTerm 2.3.0 released

Post by roger »

v2.3.0, 11/08/2024

- Implemented search function for hex view.
- Expanded the data forwarding functionality to not only allow received data to be forwarded to the sender of other terminals, but to allow both receive as well as transmitted data to be forwarded to the sender and received of other terminals.
- Hovering the mouse over the port status label at the bottom of the CoolTerm window will now display pertinent port information.
- Implemented a NULL Device which can be used for testing without the need for an actual serial device or TCP connection. The NULL Device behaves like a serial port with the difference that transmit data doesn't go anywhere, and that it won't receive any data from anywhere.
- Added context menus to all views to provide a method to save displayed data to file in the format commensurate with the view type.

- Improved performance of plain text display when "Direct RX update of text display" or "Avoid Plain Text Flicker" (Linux only) is enabled by limiting the amount of data the plain text display can hold, in accordance with the Receive Buffer Size setting.
- Errors loading saved sessions will now show an error message.
- Changed "Stop Capture" menu short cut to CTRL+CMD+R [macOS] and CTRL+ALT+R [Win,Linux] to avoid conflict the the menu short cut used for "Receive Files...".
- [Win] added code to temporarily disable terminal windows from staying on top when warnings or error messages are being displayed to prevent them from being obscured.
- The "Help" and "About" windows will now appear on top of any windows with "Always on top" enabled.
- [Win][Linux] Warning/Error messages thrown by a terminal window instance will now show the name of the terminal in the title bar for better clarity which terminal window produced the warning.
- Added "Other..." option to font size selection.
- Made some stability improvements to ANSI formatting code.
- [macOS] Changed location of CoolTerm preferences from ~/Library/Preferences/CoolTerm_Prefs.plist to ~/Library/Application Support/CoolTerm/CoolTerm_Prefs.plist. CoolTerm will migrate preferences in the old location to the new one and inform the user accordingly.
- [Win] Changed location of CoolTerm preferences from \Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\CoolTerm_Prefs.plist to \Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\CoolTerm\CoolTerm\CoolTerm_Prefs.plist. CoolTerm will migrate preferences in the old location to the new one and inform the user accordingly.
- [Linux] Changed location of CoolTerm preferences from ~/.CoolTerm_Prefs to ~/.config/CoolTerm/CoolTerm_Prefs.plist. CoolTerm will migrate preferences in the old location to the new one and inform the user accordingly.
- [Linux] Changed location of CoolTerm Application Data from ~/CoolTerm/ to ~/.config/CoolTerm/. CoolTerm will migrate the data in the old location to the new one and inform the user accordingly.
- [Win] Added 5 pixel margin to left and right edge of the plain text display for better readability.
- Updated built-in help with clarification on how special keys affect ENTER/RETURN and NumPad ENTER keypresses.

- Added the following scripting commands to allow script to directly interact with the display:
DisplayOn(ID as integer): Enables display updates from the receive buffer.
DisplayOff(ID as integer): Disables display updates from the receive buffer.
DisplayClear(ID as integer): Clears the contents of the display.
DisplayAppend(ID as integer, Data as string): Adds data to the contents of the display.
- Added a new "Receive" scripting command that allows data to be written to the receive buffer of any CoolTerm window:
Receive(ID as integer, Data as string): Writes data to the CoolTerm receive buffer as well as capture file (if capture is active).

- Fixed bug introduced in last beta that can leave received "hidden" when ANSI formatting is enabled.
- [macOS] Fixed bug that can cause crash when certain ANSI escape sequences are received and Handling of ANSI formatting sequences is enabled.
- [Linux] Fixed bug that would prevent the emulation of Enter and NumPad Enter keypresses from working correctly.
- [macOS,Win] Fixed bug that would prevent the emulation of NumPad Enter keypresses from working correctly.
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