YMODEM Firmware Update Issues with High Baud Rates

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AJin Lee
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YMODEM Firmware Update Issues with High Baud Rates

Post by AJin Lee »


I am using version 2.3.0.

I have been using YMODEM protocol to perform firmware updates on my device.
While everything works fine at 115200 baud, the speed is quite slow, so I want to use higher communication speeds.

My device's UART communication works perfectly at higher baud rates, such as 460800 or 230400, when using TeraTerm for firmware updates via YMODEM. However, when I attempt the same with CoolTerm, the process fails at higher baud rates, even when I introduce transmission delays.
The issue persists regardless of the settings I tweak.

Does CoolTerm currently not support such high baud rates for YMODEM file transfers? Or is there another way to resolve this issue?

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for providing a great program.
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Re: YMODEM Firmware Update Issues with High Baud Rates

Post by roger »


I can't think of any particular reason why YMODEM shouldn't work at higher baud rates. While I don't have any physical devices that accept firmware updates via YMODEM, I have extensively tested YMODEM communication between CoolTerm and other terminal apps, including TeraTerm, via a pair of USB/Serial adapters connected by a null modem cable. They all played well with each other, including at higher rates, such as 460800 and 921600, and large files (several MB in size).

How is it failing for you exactly? Does CoolTerm create a log with the errors?

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