Write data in OpenSimpleTerm

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Write data in OpenSimpleTerm

Post by dmone »

Hello Roger,

I really like your Coolterm project an use this for years every single day to program some special devices on my macbook. I did some research on your site and saw that you have an example of your application called OpenSimpleTerm and that gives me the thought to create a version for myself with buttons which contains default values to send trough the serial port.

I noticed you use Xojo in the OpenSimpleTerm application but your examples aren't made in Xojo, is this still common to use? I created a view which auto looking for the serial ports and can connect/disconnect to those, receive data but i'm not very common with the part to send data, do you maybe have an example of this process?
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Re: Write data in OpenSimpleTerm

Post by roger »

dmone wrote:I noticed you use Xojo in the OpenSimpleTerm application but your examples aren't made in Xojo, is this still common to use? I created a view which auto looking for the serial ports and can connect/disconnect to those, receive data but i'm not very common with the part to send data, do you maybe have an example of this process?
Which "examples" are you referring to?

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