Unable to execute a command because it's truncated.

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Unable to execute a command because it's truncated.

Post by tyjka »

CoolTerm Version 2.1.1, macOS 13.5.2

After establishing a connection to /dev/cu.usbmodem<...> I'm not able to send command like ```echo moreThanSixtyTwoCharactersLongString > file_name.txt```. It seems like the line is truncated after hitting return, and only first 62 characters are taken into account (so that "> file_name.txt" part is completely missing), so I'm not able to successfully run this command.

I also tried to write the same line in parts so I did
```echo firstPartOrTheLine > file_name.txt```, which executed successfully.
Then I tried ```echo -n secondPartOfTheLine >> file_name.txt```, but this only adds "-n secondPartOfTheLine" as another line.

I played around with settings, but nothing helped me so far to execute this seemingly simple task: to write predefined lines into a file using serial connection.
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Re: Unable to execute a command because it's truncated.

Post by roger »

What is the device you are communicating with? How do you know that what you enter is truncated. Does you device echo back the characters you type?
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